So recently I have seen several movies that have been out for a while. They have been reviewed to death already, so I am going to do what I call reviews in short. Basically each review will be short and sweet, tell you a little about the movie, and I will tell you whether I recommend it or not. With that being said, lets get right to this shit punks.
Let The Right One In
My first review in short will be the Swedish coming of age\vampire flick Let The Right One In. If you've read anything at all about this film it has been getting rave reviews. The problem anytime a film has such amazing word of mouth is it is almost always sure to disappoint on some level or another. I went in with such high expectations for this movie that they of course failed to be met. With that out of the way I will say that Let The Right One In is a new spin on the vampire tale, has some very haunting and beautiful imagery and most importantly, the performances by the child actors are incredible.
Let The Right One in is about a grade school boy who is bullied and has no friends. A small girl moves in next door who happens to be a vampire. The main problem people will have with this film is the pacing, which is very deliberate and a bit slow. Toward the end of the movie I found myself thinking about its running time rather than being wrapped on up in what was happening on screen. I sound like I am bagging on it, but it was a really good flick. There are a few mind blowing scenes that will stick with you long after you have left the theatre and I was happy to see some brutal vampire action rather than namby pamby Twilight, pretty boy bullshit.
If you are interested in seeing a really interesting movie, with an original spin on the vampire tale, then Let The Right One in is definitely up your alley. It is almost more of a coming of age story, that just happens to be framed within the confines of a vampire tale.
If you don't like foreign films and don't like movies that are a little on the slow side then I would sit this one out. Also, if you are one of those people that discount foreign films, then you probably aren't reading my blog, but if you are then all I have to say is piss off and broaden your horizons already you heathen.
Let The Right One In is definitely recommended. I have never given ratings before on The Upper Crust and I am not going to start here, but I will say that I would definitely see this one again.
Role Models
Role Models truly surprised me. I went in expecting to have a few laughs, but I had no idea that I was going to like it as much as I did. Basically whether you like Role Models or not will boil down to a few things. First off, do you like the Apatow brand of humor? If the answer is no then you suck at life, but if you don't like the whole Apatow-verse, then you wont like Role Models. It is vulgar, awesomely offensive and has tits. Now, do you like Paul Rudd? If you do, then see Role Models because he co-wrote the movie and stars in it. Next, do you enjoy little kids swearing a lot and people poking fun of Live Action Role Playing? Next on the checklist is David Wain who directed the film, who also starred in The State, plus wrote and directed Wet Hot American Summer; ask yourself, do you like him? Did you like wet hot American Summer? If you like any of these things to a certain degree, then you definitely should check Role Models.
The supporting cast of Role Models are hilarious, with the standouts being the children and the always amazing Jayne Lynch (Best In Show, 40 Year Old Virgin). Again, as with Let The Right One In, we have a great set of child actors. For me child actors can truly ruin a movie and both of the main child actors in Role Models were funny as shit.
So, to wrap this all up, I was really surprised I liked Role Models as much as I did. As I once said to some friends and have been endlessly mocked about it ever since, I will purchase this movie and watch this it frequently. If you like laughing and good times, then check it out. If you are a heartless bastard who just wants to sit around watching Irreversible and Requiem For a Dream all day, then skip this one and do us all a favor by taking a leap off a tall building.
Do you realize you threaten and/or insult your reader in just about every review you do? Your reviews would sound way stronger if you leaned off that a bit.
That wasn't meant to sound like a review of your reviews.
Also, I can't find the Chud review for Water Power. Help?
Swedish child-vampires? I'm there.
Morgan, it's called sarcasm, look it up or die fool!!! Also, I am just kidding around. Also, seriously I hate you and I am going to punch you in the face. Another thing, I love your cats.
the movie was alright, but the book 'let the right one in' was Fucking Brilliant.
get literary, yo.
I loved the Paul Rudd half of this movie, not as much the SWS (the Dukes of Hazzard guy) half--but I laughed myself sick overall, so I endorse your love of this movie. I have to see the Swedish vampire movie. I just have to psych myself up for it.
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