Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Upper Crust

So, those of you that know me know I am obsessed with music and movies, which is the main reason for me starting the site. I decided, and with the gentle ribbing of one Kendyl Leasure and a few other supportive friends,  to share my opinions about movies and music and such here. I will be reviewing everything from new releases, to old favorites on the movie tip and I will most likely just be reviewing newer music, but I am not beholden to the rules of "the man" so if I am feeling fancy free, I will write about other records as well.  I also write short stories and have general rants, so from time to time those will be here as well. 

So, about the title, The Upper Crust. Recently I traveled to Belize and Guatemala with my old friend Thayne and Kendyl (my wife). We were generally bitching about our jobs and how they provide us with little to no satisfaction and started talking about what I we would really enjoy doing. I said, playing music for a living or writing about movies or music. Now, Kendyl has been bugging me to do this for a while. I made a joke that literally writing about shit would be better than what I am doing now. I kind of took the idea of writing about shit a little further and said, I could cater to the scat connoisseur. Thayne suggested it could be called The Upper Crust, hence the title of this blog. So, welcome to The Upper Crust, where I write about all sorts of shit. Stay tuned as I will have some movie reviews and a few music reviews up shortly. 


Unknown said...

Sweet- Finally other will have to...I mean get to... hear your rantings!

Adam Palcher said...

Great. I can't wait. lets create a whole tangled web of elitist snobbery. woo-hoo!

Morgan said...

Proper capitalization would be an excellent starting point, english major. Is your diploma written on a napkin?

taylor said...

I don't have to obey your rules man..

teeth said...

Can I nibble on your lower crust?

Carmen said...

Sweet! I'm way stoked on this Tay!

grant said...

crappiest bunch of crap that ever crapped, old man.

Sophia said...

Another excellent name: The Continental Squatter. But I guess upper crust works.

Sophia said...

Truly, writing about music/movies is the best possible job in the whole world. Sophie told me about this--I will totally be checking in.

Sophia said...

Wait--I signed in as Sophie! That last comment was me--Sophie's mom.